Calimera Italy Biogas Plant

Turnkey biogas plant delivery, utilizing dry unaerobic digestion process, located in Calimera, Italy.
Key technologies
Delivery included a plug flow reactor and additional equipment for Calimera biogas plant.
Digester feed: raw material is pre-selected SSO. Plant processing capacity 19,905 tons/year and 54,5 tons/day.
Biogas yield 2,464,900 Nm3/A with energy content of 23,910 MWh/A.
Pre-manufactured wall elements, frames, beams, pylons, mixing arrays, valves etc.

Delivery Scope
Technology and design
Process design, architecture, building, electrical and automation planning.
Project Management
Managing and supervising the project, material acquisition and bidding.
Manufacturing and assembly
Including the Arciplug biogas plant reactor units.

Ask for a quote or book a meeting
If you have more questions or simply want to request an offer, please contact us.